WIA Joins the call for Tech for Good from President Macron
"Technology and international cooperation are the biggest hopes to face our common challenges, yet the concentration of power, the focus on short term individual profits, the lack of multi stakeholder collaboration, the digital divide and the voices that threat the progress of globalization can put at risk the SDGs Agenda and a fair development process for less developed economies and communities, as well as for the next generations.
Technology will create unprecedented disruption in the years ahead, changing 50% of jobs globally, and the tech Industry has both the capacity and the responsibility of making the transition to the new world as positive for humanity and biodiversity as possible.
More than 1 billion people still live in extreme poverty. An open internet, robotics, IOT, AI, e-commerce, e-services and online education can help to make things better, but we need to make sure that all the organizations that can influence the future are aligned with the democratic values, the respect of Human Rights, the support for people in need, and willing to fight with determination against algorithmic biases, violation of privacy, help protecting our citizens from cyberattacks and creating a positive convergence of technology and society as innovation accelerates and occupies more and more spheres of our lives.
WIA adheres to the principles and commitments of the Tech for Good initiative, and will work with its partners and stakeholders to foster ethical innovation and the use of technology for social causes to maximize positive impact and sustainable development".
Carlos Sentís
Founder and CEO
World Innovation Alliance